

The text that should be plotted on the ternary diagram. Each text element requires ternary coordinates (A, B, C values) to determine its position, similar to points.

You can use the crosshair tool to find the exact coordinates where you want to place text - click anywhere on the plot and the crosshair will show you the corresponding A, B, C values.

The text can be any string of characters. Common uses include:

  • Labels for specific points or regions
  • Titles or annotations
  • Chemical formulas
  • Numerical values

The text will be positioned according to the anchor point (see Anchor section below) and can be fine-tuned using X and Y offsets.

The font size in pixels. Default is 20.

The minimum font size is 5 and the maximum is 100.

The horizontal offset in pixels from where the text would normally be positioned. This lets you fine-tune the text position by shifting it left or right from its anchor point. Positive values move the text right, negative values move it left.

For example, text is plotted with ternary value (40, 20, 40) and has an x-offset of 40.

(40, 20, 40)x-offset=40Text

The vertical offset in pixels from where the text would normally be positioned. This lets you fine-tune the text position by shifting it up or down from its anchor point. Positive values move the text down, negative values move it up.

For example, text is plotted with ternary value (40, 20, 40) and has a y-offset of 40.

(40, 20, 40)y-offset=40

The font style can be set to either "normal" (default) or "italic". Normal displays text in the standard upright style, while italic shows text in a slanted style commonly used for emphasis.



The color of the text. See Color.

The text anchor describes how to place the text relative to its coordinate anchor. Choose either start, middle or end.


The rotation angle of the text in degrees, rotating around the text anchor point. Positive values rotate clockwise. Negative values rotate counterclockwise.


See Opacity.